Home / News / Second crash shears off same pole at North Mill Street

Second crash shears off same pole at North Mill Street

Jun 06, 2023Jun 06, 2023

A second accident in two weeks at the intersection of Mill and Falls Street shears off a power pole.

For the second time in two weeks, a traffic light pole at the intersection of North Mill and Falls street was knocked down and broken.

New Castle police Cpl. Chris Fabian said Penn Power had just put up a new wooden pole there Wednesday of last week.

The utility company was preparing to put up new traffic signals when a woman driving north in a Cadillac sedan shortly before 9 a.m. Tuesday ran a stop sign at the four-way posted stop and hit a Volkswagen going east on Falls Street. The woman’s air bag went off and her vehicle hit the pole, causing the top half of it to break off, he said.

She was taken by ambulance to a hospital.

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The Volkswagen occupants apparently were not injured.

A police report with the names of the drivers was not available Tuesday afternoon.

The New Castle Fire Department assisted the police at the accident scene. Both vehicles were towed.

The intersection has been posted with four-way stop signs since March 9, when a car went through the red traffic signal and caused a head-on collision that sheared off a metal pole on the northeast corner and sent the traffic signals crashing to the street.

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